Music by Andew Prete
Welcome to The
We come together with diversity of thoughts, stories, talents, hopes and hurts. All we bring is welcome; our prayer is that in coming together with all our differences and with Spirit, we participate toward a new divine reality. This is sacred space.
Adapted from Mary Daly’s, Wickedary
Ontological Courage is the courage to Be an Other, one who participates in the realm outside the parameters of patriarchal predictability. An Other has the Courage to refuse inclusion in the State of the Living Dead – the Courage to break out from the deadforms of archetypal deadtime – to take leap after leap of Living Faith. An Other has the Courage to Sin – to commit Original Acts of participation in Be-ing; the Courage to be intellectual in the most direct and daring way, claiming and trusting the deep correspondence between the structures/processes of one’s own mind and the structures/processes of reality. An Other has the Courage to Act on one’s own deepest intuitions as they are inspired by the Divine.
I see you!
I am here!
In this place we creatively express;
Some of us are focused, some are a mess!
We participate during the sermon
And people do connect, we are learnin’
Greet all with a handshake, toast or a wave
At all times feel free to yell, rant or rave
Fake not friends, we can arrive as we are.
Cheers! Here’s to sacred space in a bar!
By Andrew
Luke 9:57-62
As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I’ll follow you wherever you go.”
And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have dens, and birds of the sky have nests; but the son of Adam has nowhere to rest his head.”
To another he said, “Follow me.”
But he said, “First, let me go and bury my father.”
Jesus said to him, “Leave it to the dead to bury their own dead; but you, go out and announce God’s imperial rule.”
Another said, “I’ll follow you, sir; but let me first say good-bye to my people at home.”
Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is qualified for God’s imperial rule.”
· Initial thoughts? How do Jesus’ interactions strike you?
· Do we have commitments for which we are willing to Courageously Leap, for which we are willing to not look back?
· What Acts do we do toward these commitments?
· What kinds of support and encouragement can we offer one another toward each Other’s Original Acts?
· Does today’s text shed any light on our discussion?
God is with us.
Yes she is.
May the Goddess bless you and bless you kindly. May you be Courageous, Sin Big and Drink in the Spirit!
By Andrew